9 days ago

From static sites to end user JAMstack Apps with FaunaDB

by Bryan Robinson

In this article, we’ll start with a simple demo by ingesting and posting data to FaunaDB and then extend that functionality in a full-fledged app using Auth0, FaunaDB’s Token system and User-Defined Functions.

9 days ago

12 Ways To Improve User Interview Questions

by Salva Shestopalov

Right questions don’t simply roll off the tongue, but it’s a handy skill everyone can train. The following pieces of advice will help you to formulate questions that foster reliable answers from your users and clients.

13 days ago

Equivalent experiences: thinking equivalently

by Eric Bailey

Constructing an equivalent experience may mean changing the way you think about development and design, and potentially reevaluating your existing work. In this article, we’ll address common accessibility issues, and how to best go about improving …

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14 days ago


by Vitaly Friedman

We stand firmly behind the Black Lives Matter movement. We have always stood strongly behind introducing a wide range of voices to Smashing publications and conferences. Positive change is difficult, but it’s possible. It takes work, time, and …

14 days ago

How to test a design concept for effectiveness

by Paul Boag

Getting a client or stakeholder to approve a design concept can be challenging. However, testing can make it easier, as well as ensuring you have the right solution.

15 days ago

Consuming REST APIs in react with fetch and axios

by Shedrack Akintayo

If you’re a React developer who’d like to learn how you can start consuming APIs in your React applications, then this article is for you. Shedrack Akintayo explains what a REST API is and how to build a simple application that consumes a REST API by …

16 days ago

Click! Here: Meet our new smashing book

by Vitaly Friedman

Meet our new practical guide on how to build trust, increase conversion and boost business KPIs effectively — without alienating people along the way. Written by Paul Boag. Coming up in June.

17 days ago

How to create a mobile app in expo and firebase (for iOS And android)

by Chafik Gharbi

In this article, based on my experience with creating a GPS and navigation application, I will show you how to create a mobile app using Expo and Firebase services such as Firestore, Firebase functions and Expo push notifications.

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June 2020 • shipping now

Meet "Click!": encourage clicks without shady tricks

Our new book on how to boost business KPIs, build trust and address doubts effectively — without alienating people along the way. By Paul Boag.

Person of the week

April Speight (@vogueandcode) has been in the tech industry for seven years after a career in luxury fashion as a menswear stylist and visual merchandiser. Currently a Cloud Advocate at Microsoft, she loves working with bots and voice-enabled devices and creates new realities within the world of spatial computing. To help others get started on their XR journey, April shares coding tutorials on her site and on her YouTube channel. She has also written a Python programming book for children. Thank you for sharing and caring, dear April!

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Meet Design Systems, a recent Smashing book in which Alla Kholmatova explores how to set up an effective design system to create great digital products. With common traps, gotchas and lessons learned.

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CSS Layout has been transformed over the past years. We have you covered with all you need to master this new world. If you want to understand the technical details, or learn how to use new CSS creatively, these guides can help.

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Web Performance

Ensuring your site loads quickly is important. The subject touches almost every part of web design and development, from your choice of images to the performance of your web server. In this guide we bring together information that can help you build a fast site, and keep it fast.

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